ADEX Schedule ActiveX Product

ADEX Schedule

by Vyapin Software Systems

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ADEX™ Schedule is a COM component that encapsulates the functionality of TaskScheduler. It enables application developers of Microsoft technology to add, delete and manage tasks in the TaskScheduler. It has been developed using Microsoft ATL, providing users fast access to the Scheduler. The ADEX™ Schedule Object Model is designed to provide programmers an intuitive interface to Windows NT

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Additional Information

Publisher Vyapin Software Systems
Version 1.0
List Price $79 (U.S.)
Category Utilities
License Retail
Submitted 9/2/2002
Usage ActiveX Control ActiveX Control
ActiveX DLL ActiveX DLL
Active Server Page Object ActiveX ASP
Visual Basic Add-In VB Add-In
ActiveX Component Sute Component Suite
Special Requirements Windows NT/2000