ActiveX ncScrollbar ActiveX Product

ActiveX ncScrollbar

by Buenaflor Better Software

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This is an ActiveX scrollbar which can provide the most demanding scrolling needs of a programmer without the hassles commonly encountered in other models of scrollbar. It is easily configurable either by the user or programmer both at designtime and runtime. The scrollbar can scroll 32-bit data in a breeze, with easy mouse handling features. Capable of multilevel scrolling and has two trackers doing it. Features: 1) 32-bit in RANGE capable (-7FFF FFFF to +7FFF FFFF) 2) dual tracker, coarse

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Additional Information

Publisher Buenaflor Better Software
Version 2.50
List Price $0 (U.S.)
Category Windows User Interface
License Free
Submitted 5/10/2002
Usage ActiveX Control ActiveX Control
Special Requirements mfc