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by Aspose Pty Lt

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Aspose.Pdf.Kit is a .Net Pdf document manipulating component which allows developers to Edit the existing pdf documents; Show and change the meta information of a pdf file; Add Logo and watermark on the each page; Encrypt or decrypt a pdf file with owner or user's password, the owner can change password and reset the security setting etc.

Note: Active-X.COM has not tested this software. It was submitted directly by the software publisher and listed on Active-X.COM for your convenience. It is advised that you only download and install software from sites you trust.

Additional Information

Publisher Aspose Pty Lt
Version 1.0
List Price $129 (U.S.)
Category Utilities
License Shareware
Submitted 4/25/2005
Usage ActiveX Control ActiveX Control
Active Server Page Object ActiveX ASP
100% .NET Compatible 100% .NET Compatible
Special Requirements