ActiveX Products by Ace-Infosys

» Found 2 items by Ace-Infosys

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Text Allow

by Ace-Infosys

ActiveX Control ActiveX DLL

Description : This DLL allows the user only to enter Valid Characters in the Text Box, Invalid characters are disabled. For Example, if the user is supposed to enter a Name of a Person in the text box, he or she is allow to enter only alphabets and not numeric characters or any special characters.

  • Submitted 7/6/2003
This ActiveX product has no screen shot

Text Validation

by Ace-Infosys

ActiveX Control ActiveX DLL

This DLL does the validation to restrict the user from entering junk data in the Text Box, if irrelevant data is entered in the Text Box a error message can be poped up. For Example, if the user is supposed to enter a Name of a Person in the text box, if he or she enters some numeric value or any special characters then a error message can be poped up.

  • Submitted 7/6/2003